Our Head of Motor Activities Training (MATP) in Ireland, Shaun Hennessy, is a passionate advocate for this incredible programme!
Read all about Shaun meeting an inspiring MATP athlete during Special Olympics training in Slovakia.
Privileged to meet Michal and his family in Slovakia earlier this year while this was being filmed. Well worth 9 minutes of your time. Let's continue to spread the word about the Motor Activities Training Programme, and the opportunities within it for people with complex support needs to learn, grow, and have fun through sport. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/restless-films_idpd-disabilityday-matp-activity-7269700452374429696-E6x-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
For more info in an Irish context, please visit https://www.specialolympics.ie/sports/motor-activities-training-programme
Photo courtesy of Special Olympics Slovakia