"What I Learned from My Brother John": Special Olympics Ireland CEO presents at TedX
Special Olympics Ireland CEO Matt English recounted his personal experience of the value of sport and community to people with intellectual disabilities and their families - and the inspirational impact this can have.
Matt spoke candidly about his brother John, a keen sportsman and well-loved part of the local community who had moderate intellectual disabilities, and who tragically succumbed to cancer at a young age.
Matt recounted that his brother was the inspiration for his involvement with Special Olympics Ireland, which began with the role of Chief Financial Officer for the 2003 World Summer Games in Ireland.
Since 2003, Special Olympics Ireland has gone from strength to strength - Matt highlighted Team Ireland's success and volunteer contribution to the 2023 World Games in Berlin, and the spirit of solidarity that it can teach us all: "I can say that Team Ireland was 'unbeatable together'; we had the most family members and supporters traveling to those games of any country; we had a hundred volunteers help Germany run the games; and with their expertise Ireland was unbeatable together."
With a nod to the local audience, Matt concluded: "Finally I would say Ratoath and every other community across Ireland can be unbeatable together. We all have a part to play."
The TEDx event took place Ratoath, Co. Meath. Watch the inspiring talk on Youtube here.