European Week of Sport

European Week of Sport is for everyone, regardless of age, social background or fitness level. Special Olympics Ireland are running three FREE online events during this week to encourage athletes to be physically active. You can select to attend one or more of the events as you choose. A Zoom link for the event will be emailed to you prior to the event taking place.

Athlete Name

Select one or more session(s)

National Fitness Day  - Zoom Fitness Class delivered by one of our RDO’s and assisted by one of the athlete Health Messengers. Health Promotion topic on the importance and benefits of physical activity will be covered during this session.

Tai Chi and Strong Minds – Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits and meditation. Athletes will be guided through a Tai Chi session. The 'Strong Minds' Health Promotion topic, focusing on looking after our mental health will be covered during this session.

Fit 5 Exercise Class –  Endurance, strength, flexibility and balance exercises will be taught to athletes during this session . The Health Promotion topic will look at the importance of eating five pieces of Fruit and Vegetables every day.